FAQ Golf Cart Rules and Regulations
Property owners and their guest and guest staying in Beaver Creek Village.
All golf carts must be insured and have proof of insurance.
All golf carts must be registered and the owners must sign a hold harmless statement that includes the rules and regulations governing the use of those vechiles within Big Bear Lake Camplands. A registration fee of $15.00 plus tax is paid on golf carts.
Golf carts must have liability insurance and have proof of insurance upon having golf cart regisitered. Insurance must cover the golf cart while being operated on the roads within the camplands.
Each owner's lot number must be visibly displayed on the front and back or left and right sides of any golf cart, using a minimum of three 3" letters. (Does not apply to guest staying in Beaver Creek Village).
* Safety First! ANYONE caught driving in an unsafe manner including speeding will lose his or her golf cart driving privilege in the campground.
* Any person operating a Golf Cart must possess a valid motor vechile operator's license that is issued by a proper state authority.
* ALL riders MUST be seated, No more passangers than seating safely allows, no sitting in other people's laps (other than infant children).
* Golf carts are required to follow all posted speed limits and drivers are expected to drive n a responsible way.
* Golf carts are required to drive on the roads and designated golf cart trails only. DO NOT cut across campsites or grass areas.
* Pedestrians always have the right of way.
* Golf Carts must have mounted lights to operate after dark. Flash lights are NOT permitted.